I made a decision in January to eat healthier and get hopefully lose weight. Nothing new. Almost everyone makes these "resolutions" in January. I made my decision based on my health and age. See, every January 1st a new year begins and every January 2nd I have a birthday. Great combination, huh? Anyway 54 years old and weighing over 200 lbs. is not a good combination. Especially when your hips lock up, you can't walk straight is you sit for more that 20 minutes at a time, you can't climb a flight of stairs and you can't sleep at night because of your own snoring. Not a pretty picture, is it??
Well, I cut out fried foods, sugar, soda, candy...everything that we all know is bad for us. I quit eating take out food and started taking my lunch to school. Turkey on whole wheat with spicy mustard became my main meal. We ate healthy at night, too. Juan and Joy went along with all my changes and adapted well. Altering some meals was not easy, but we all got through it.
I did a herbal cleanse (thanks, Lori!) and started sipping on Spark energy drink. No coffee, no red meat, no dairy for 10 days!!! I thought I would die! But, 10 lbs. later I was elated!!! I was truly motivated now!!
Next Juan bought us an eliptical machine and it is awesome! I had to start out slow and work my way up...first 15 minutes, then 30, now I can do 45 - an hour! Still not at a fast speed and not using the ramp, but I'll get there!
Long story short...4 months later I have lost 25 lbs. My goal is 20 more by the end of June (not that I think I can do that!) before we go to Florida for vacation. I would be happy with 10 more pounds as long as I can firm up some.
You probably did not want to read about my diet plan. But, if you are like me you might need some motivation to get healthier. Maybe my story will help you. At any rate I feel better, I can move around easier, and my sleepy time is great!!!