Sunday, January 31, 2010

Every day choices

Ever wonder how many times in a day you have to make a choice? Some days might not be so tough, but then come those days when it seems like every time you turn around you have to make a choice...not easy to do most of the time.

Everyone has different experiences that require different choices. Moms make different decisions that dads. Blue collar folks make different choices from white collar workers. Kids have tough choices every day. But, we all have to answer for our choices and our decisions.

I read somewhere that a teacher makes over a million decisions throughout the day. WOW! 1,000,000 decisions in an 8 hour work day! No wonder we are soooo tired by the time we get home. Then, we have family decisions to make...and it never ends!

God makes choices every day as well. He chooses to stand by us and support us no matter that we make bad choices. Kinda wonderful knowing that even if we make an unwise choice He is there to hold us up and guide us. Maybe next time we will make a better choice!

If we would all just take a few minutes each day to contemplate our choices, and spend time asking God for wisdom to make good choices, our lives would be so much easier!

May all your choices this week be good ones...and if not, reflect and move forward!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Life is so hard at times. Just when you think things might become normal it all falls apart.

My family is the most important thing to me. My husband and two kids bring me tremendous happiness...and tremendous pain...How do I keep everything going? Keep everyone happy? Mediate between arguments? Offer financial and emotional help? and still be a good mom, wife, friend and professional????

It is just so hard to balance life right now. I try to be optimistic and put on a happy face, but it just isn't working. I feel sad and depressed, and taken for granted, helpless and frustrated.

Prayer is the only thing that will help right now so I am going to go have some quiet time with my Lord and pray for his help.