The weather is gorgeous, the time change has begun so we will have longer days, I have a week off of work...yea for Spring Break!!!!
Lots to do this week! Sushi lunch dates, taking some time to take care of myself, tanning, shopping, grilling out, working on the house and yard...sounds like a full week of fun! Juan will be off the last part of the week so we will be able to spend some time together, too. After the last month of work, this will be a much needed break!!
I know that once I go back to work it will be nonstop stress and pressure. So all the more reason to take this week and be selfish. TAKS season is gearing up so 3rd - 5th is working overtime. PK, KN, 1st and 2nd are busy getting the kids on level and ready to move forward. We know that the next few months will be hard. Hopefully we all spend time this week resting and rejuvenating!
I love having this week off. But, I know it will be so hard to go back to work after this!! Oh well! No time to worry about that now. I have sunshine calling me! Happy Spring Break ya'll!