Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I know that most people who write these blogs do it to show off their families and babies. Since I don't know how to post pics (and don't really have a camera!) there won't be picture anytime soon. And, since my babies are 20 and 23 I won't be talking about all the cute and wonderful things they do are they are growing. You kids are grown...or so they like to think!

When they were little I would marvel at all the little things they learned every day. I relished in watching them take their first steps, talk, feed and dress themselves. It was a glorious time. And, then they grew into school children.

Being the kids of a teacher was not easy. They spent many long hours at the school with Mom. They arrived early and stayed late. No matter what school they attend there was always someone who knew me. They hated this because I often knew what they were doing even when they were away from me!

Then came the teenage years. Heavens know how any of us survived that time! They had very unique personalities and very different lifestyles. Each made choices as to how they wanted to live. As hard as it was then for me to let things happen, it is even harder now.

Once children reach the age of 19 -20 they believe that they are adult and they are "grown". The hardest thing for a parent to do is to let them make choices that you know are not the best for them. You can voice your concern. You can "demand" they do things. You can ignore what is happening. But, in the end, they will make the choice they believe is right. As a parent you have to be willing to stand by your beliefs, voice those as well and pray that all those years growing up they learned values you tried so desperately to teach them.

Sometimes that happens. Sometimes it doesn't.

I think that these are the times that Charles Dickens spoke of..."the best of times, the worst of times."

My two children mean more to me than anything or anyone in the whole world. I would do anything to make sure that they are happy, safe and ready to take on life. The problem is I can't really let go of them and let that happen. You see, I have already watched them stumble and I am afraid to let them fall. I want to protect them from all the evil and the hardships in the world so they don't have to hurt or suffer. I know...I know...that is not possible. I should just back away and let them experience life and learn from their mistakes. Really? Can a mom really do that?

As I sit here waiting for her to walk through the door I can only hope that I have said the right things, I have loved her enough and I have given her all that she needs to become a success in whatever she attempts. What if this doesn't happen? What can I do then? I will still try to say the right things, I will still love her with all my might and I still believe that she will be successful. That is what a mother does.

Yes, children are a blessing...and a pain...and a wonder...and heartbreak all rolled into one. Ahhh...the joys of motherhood.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

constant change

Just when I thought things would never change...they did!
David cut his hair after a year of doing "dreds" the natural way. In case you aren't familiar with that it means not shampooing, cutting or brushing your hair. He said he washed his hair with sea salt and soap, but it always looked stringy and greasy. It really wasn't...but it looked that way. It was working for him because he had a job working on a dock. But, when he went to get another job things had to change. So, to my pleasant surprise, he cut all his hair off! He now has a job at a Mexican restaurant in Arlington!
So, both my kids work at Mexican restaurants. Looks like lots of enchiladas and margaritas for us in the future!
Juan got his motorcycle license and is looking at Harleys. As long as he buys one that had a seat for me I am good with all that. I have always been afraid of motorcycles, but these days, the older I get, the more daring I become. Midlife crisis? Maybe...
Changes in our lives are the only consistent thing we can depend on. Never a dull moment in my sweet life!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Follow your passion!

For those of you who know me you know that I have a passion for what I do. I am so blessed that in the early 1970's I decided to be a teacher. I have been so lucky to have found my passion and my career all wrapped into one! Being a teacher for all these years has presented me with lots of paradigm shifts.

Today, being a teacher is one of the hardest jobs in the world. You have to make thousands of decisions every day, and any one of those decisions could change your life. You have to be a mult-tasker like no other, doing 10 - 20 things at the same time. You have to be mother, father, counselor, nurse, therapist, coach--all while making sure that each of the 22+ students in your class makes a minimum of a year's gain in 9 months. Teachers are true miracle workers.

No one can truly understand how glorious and treacherous our jobs are unless you have actually done our jobs. Don't sit at your business world desk and spout off about how we only work 9 months, that we have 3 months off in the summer, how we get off at 3:30 every day...don't even go there with us! We work more hours in a week than most of you. We NEVER get 3 months off and we do NOT get paid for the summer or the holidays that you constantly like to remind us we get! We get paid for our contract days and they divide that over 12 months. We deserve every penny we get.

Sorry! Had to get that off my chest.

Why do we this? Because we love it! We love seeing the little faces every morning, we enjoy watching the kids mature and develop, we rejoice when they "get it". It is true--when the light bulb goes on we feel so rewarded. Each time one of the little darlings hugs you, breaks out in a smile when they see you, confides in you--you just know you are doing the best job in the world.

I can only hope that my own two children get the same personal satisfaction from their careers as I have gotten from mine. I can truly say that the last 30 years as an educator has given me many fond memories. I look forward to many more before I retire.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

New to this!

I only hope that I can keep this blog up! Not sure I have much to say that anyone really wants to read, but we'll see.

This will be the place I reflect on my life and my passions. This will be my cleansing place. This will be where I vent, rant and praise. Wish me luck!