Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Today is Christmas Eve and it is snowing!!!! How cool is that?

So, tonight is our family gathering. We have always celebrated as a family on Christmas Eve. My entire family gets together for dinner and we open presents. This is the tradition that my mom and dad began and we have continued. After mom and dad passed, it was Jana's family and my family that gathered, and we still do that today!!! This year we will be at my niece's house with her family, my nephew and his family, my sister and my family--all together.

We always have a nontraditional/traditional dinner. Tonight is Mexican Christmas--Yum-O!!! We will all eat more than we should, we will laugh and tell each other funny stories. There will be some holiday cheer and toasts to be sure! Then, we will gather in the living room and let the kids all open their presents. After all that is what Christmas is--a time for kids! We have to get this all done early so the little ones can get to bed so Santa can come!

Tomorrow is our Orphan Christmas at Leslie and Tom's. All our Aardvark friends and family will gather to eat (again) and celebrate with even more cheer! Should be lots of fun!!

Merry Christmas to all!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

This time of year!

I love the time between Thanksgiving and New Years! All the time with family and friends, the yummy food, decorations, shopping, movies, many great things!

As a child I remember the big family Thanksgiving meals when all the aunts, uncles and cousins would get together and have a glorious meal then watch football. Christmas would bring simple tree and house decorations and pretty wrapping under the tree. Hurrying to bed on Christmas Eve to make myself go to sleep so Santa could come and brings his gifts. Then, New Years Eve would find all the extended family together again to ring in the new year! We were a very close family and we celebrated holidays together.

As we all grew older, there seemed to be fewer and fewer occasions that we gathered. As our parents aged there were fewer of them each year. As young adults we married and started our own families. Maybe we became too selfish or too busy to continue the old traditions. At any rate, here we are, many years later, isolated. Or, at least that is how I feel these days.

My mom died at the young age of 46 and my dad passed when he was 52. I am blessed to have lived past those years. I am now the adult. Planning family gatherings should fall to me, and I truly wish I could provide them. I wish I had a home that could hold all the family...not just my kids, but my nieces and nephews, and their families, along with my cousins and families. I wish there were time for us to all gather and visit and celebrate together. We have all gotten so busy and our schedules are so disjointed, that these traditions have fallen by the wayside and will probably never be revived.

Right now I would just be happy to have my immediate family together again, happy and congenial. Right now I just want my family to be a family. I miss having my kids be little! I love that they are growing up and they are moving forward, but I am sad that they are not always around.

As Christmas approaches I pray for the peace. Peace for the world, and peace for the family--my family and all the families in general.

Hopefully this season will bring to all...

Monday, November 30, 2009

And then...

There are days that I feel I get nothing done, nothing accomplished, nothing satisfied.

Today is one of those days. I worked all day, but feel like I got nothing completed. It seems like no matter how much I do, or how long I work on things, I never get caught up. There is always something that MUST get done right now, four other things have to be finished today, and then...still more to do when all that is done.

Some days I feel good about what I do. I pull out of the parking lot and smile and think, "Today was a good day!" Other days, I get in the car and start to cry because I feel totally useless. Today was the latter.

And then...I get home and am greeted by my loving husband and two precious dogs. They see things differently and have no idea what my day has been up 'til now. All they know is that I am home and it is time to have dinner and relax. And then...I take a deep breath and move forward.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bumps in the Road

Just when you think everything is going along just fine...a bump in the road pops up.

Being a parent is the hardest job in the world. There is no way anyone can explain or prepare you for all the happiness and heartbreak that will occur when you have kids. There is no greater joy in life than hearing your child say, "I love you, Mommy" or the belly laugh that happens spontaneously. There is not deeper pain than hearing, "I hate you" or having your child purposely ignore your requests.

I have been a mother for 24 years. These have been blessed years! I have laughed and cried both with my children and for my children. I have two of the most wonderful kids in the world. However, right now I feel completely helpless and sad.

One child is moving forward, maturing and working to make a life change. One child is defiant, rebellious and purposefully hurtful. One makes me smile and one makes me cry. What's a mother to do?

I know that all young adults have a lot to deal with. When you are in your 20's you have so much on your mind. There's the question of a job, where to live, how to deal with no longer being a teenager with no responsibilities--learning how to deal with all the adult is a constant "moving target". Hard to believe, but I can remember those years. Trying to figure out if I was in love, how I could pay my bills, where to live, what would I be "when I grew up". All of those life questions.

My mom supported me, stood by me and defended me. She also set me straight when I screwed up. That is the type of mother I have tried to be. Sometimes I have been too strict, sometimes too lenient. Isn't like most mothers? The balance is hard, it is a thin line to walk.

So, I sit here, holding back tears of sadness because I can't seem to figure out how to reach her, how to make my child see how much I love her, admire her and worry about her. She doesn't want to hear me, to respect me, or to even be nice, unless it works to her advantage. And, yet, she is my heart, my soul, my daughter.

People say to just give kids time to grow up. I know this--been through this with the son. Same struggles, same tears. It just never gets easier...not even the second time comes another bump in the road...

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Yeah, I know. You are thinking "tattoo"? Seriously? YES! I am thankful for tats!

Tomorrow is Friday the 13th, and in the Aardvark world that mean PARTY and friends! Every Friday the 13th we all get together and revel in life. We celebrate being together and getting older. We see folks we might have seen in years. Aardvarks all over the area seem to appear on the 13th.

A few years ago I heard about the 13th at Elm Street Tattoo. Oliver Peck holds tattoo parties and will give a "13" tattoo for $13 and a $7 good luck tip--for $20 you can have a 13 tattooed on your body!! What a deal! So, 3 years ago I took a day off and Joy and I went to get our tats! It was great. That night we attended the usual party for the masses!

Well, tomorrow we do it again! I think the whole family will be there. Cool, huh? The family that tats together plays together! And, yes, there will be a 13th party that evening with BBQ, friends and brew! Another great day in the life of an Aardvark!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today we celebrate the men and women who chose to serve and defend our country so that we could have the freedoms we enjoy. Today is Veteran's Day and we are so blessed to have these brave souls in our lives.

I am proud to say that I have always been surrounded by the military. My Uncle Dub fought in World War II in the Army. Uncle Bond served in the Navy during the Korean War. My wonderful husband, Juan, was in the Navy and helped evacuate Vietnam. Brandon, my nephew, is currently in the Navy as a recruiter. What a rich experience!

Each Veteran's Day my campus celebrate with a ceremony to honor the families of our students. Today was the BEST ever! Several of my awesome staff members (Yvonne, Rachel, Tricia and Irma) put together a fantastic show. They had the gym decorate with a variety of symbols of the military, every grade level performed and they created an outstanding slide show! After that the Veterans and their families went to the library for breakfast.

We are lucky to live in the United States and to be able to enjoy or freedom. We owe a debt of gratitude to our Vets. God Bless each of you. For you I am thankful!

Monday, November 9, 2009


One of the best things about dogs is their unconditional love. No matter what they love you!

When I come home each evening I know I will be greeted by two dogs--ZsaZsa and Bella--who will bark, jump and demand my attention. They will run up to and on me. They will jump around and bark until i sit down and take the time to pet them. They seem to forget they have been in their kennels all day and left alone. They don't care. They just love me and want my attention.

Once they settle down, they have their tummies full and they realize that I love them once again, all they want is to lay with me while I cuddle with a blanket, work on the computer or work my Suduko puzzles. They just want to be with me. If not in my lap, then on the floor beside me. Or on the sofa with Juan or laying ON his feet. Yeah, weird, but adorable!

I can't forget Deebo, my other granddog! Deebo loves his Grandma very much. Whenever he sees me he smiles (oh, yes he does!), wags his tail and goes straight to the doggie treats. He knows Grandma will always have treats for him.

So, today I am thankful for all the dogs currently in my life, as well as all the dogs in my past--Chrissy Miss, Beau, Pepe...they are all special because they have unconditional for me. And there are many days that I need that waiting for me!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

New experiences!

Been out of 'web reach' for a few days so I haven't been able to update my Thankful List. So, two days late...

The past two weekends Juan and I have been adventurous and done some things and really surprise me--new experiences! Last weekend we went to the MMA fights at QuickTrip and that was really fun! I had seen these fights on TV but being there in person was even better. All types of people were there--parents, other was very different. We liked it so much I think we might go to the one in Frisco at the end of the month.

Saturday we did the TCU game, a Halloween party then went to the Hard Rock to listen to the Texas Red Legs, an up and coming Texas rock band. They were really good and it was fun to sit and listen to the music and spend time with friends.

This! What can I say--NASCAR at the Texas Motor Speedway. What a blast! We have friends who have gone for years and always beg us to come out. We never have gone because we didn't want to mess with the traffic. Well, we gave in a agreed to go out and stay with them (they have a nice RV) and see how we liked it. OMG!! It is one big party. There are camps set up all over with bars, music and food. Everyone is so nice and you never go hungry or thirsty! We went to the race on Saturday and Kyle Busch won. I was pulling for Kasey Kahn, but his car left the track early. Kyle won the truck races on Friday and the car race on Saturday. I was really hoping he would win today so he could get the triple at TMS, but his brother Kurt won. We had so much fun and we are really looking forward to the April race now!!!

So, I am thankful for new experiences. I am glad that Juan and I still like to do this kind of stuff and can enjoy a wide range of people and events. I guess growing older has it's can do the same things the 'young uns' do but it means more now I think!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Greatest Staff in the World!

I know I have said this before, but I am truly blessed to work with the men and women at Hobbs Williams! This staff never ceases to amaze me. They really love kids, they are passionate about teaching, they are positive, hard working and dedicated!

I am so thankful to have these people in my life. They accept a challenge and turn it into a victory. I know they have to be stressed out with all the new things they are asked to do every day. I know that they are exhausted from all the demands put on them. I know they would give anything to have a little more time in the day, or less paperwork to deal with. But, no matter what happens they just move forward.

Real teachers are rare. There are people who have a teaching degree/certificate. There are people who have taken a second career to teach. But, to be a real teacher you have to be a special breed. Real teachers can read any handwriting. They tolerate runny noses and dirty hands. They understand that homework isn't always done and that parents don't always follow through with signing papers. Real teachers accept weeds for flowers and every picture colored with love. Real teachers know that they will never get paid what they are worth. They believe they make a difference every day.

These are the type of teachers i get to work with every day! Yes, I am truly blessed and thankful for each and every member of the staff--custodians, cafeteria, teacher aides, support staff, classroom teachers, counselor, office staff and assistant principal...ALL of them are real teachers and ALL of them are unique. I am thankful!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Reality TV

I know what you are thinking...she is thankful for something as trivial as reality TV!? Yes, I am!

Reality TV gives me an escape from the drama of my own life. For an hour I can pretend to be a ballroom dancer, a survivor, a old rocker looking for a lover, or running a race around the globe. Remember being told you could grow up to be anything you wanted to be? Well, with reality TV I can live that dream. Sixty minutes of mind numbing, obnoxiously ridiculous entertainment that give me cause to fade away and think about NOTHING. Nothing to solve, nothing to follow, no effort at all...a perfect way to unwind at the end of a busy day.

So, thank you, Reality TV for giving me nothing to do!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Thanks goodness for sunshine! October was so dreary and wet, and dark and yucky! I am thankful for the sun. I need my Vitamin D and I am loving the sun rays!!!

Ever notice how happier you are when the sun shine? Or how people seem friendlier? And, I think the sunshine even makes food taste better! ha!! Hopefully we will have more sunny days in the month of November so all will be brighter!

Fall is my favorite season. The air is chilly, cool evenings, sunny mornings, early evenings and football! All of this and SUN! What a great way to begin the month!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Thankful Season

Last year several of us blogged each day about what we were thankful for. Kelli reminded me of this today when I read her blog, so I decided to do this again.

November 1, 2009 and I am thankful for my husband, Juan. We will celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary in December. Those years have been eventful to say the least. Two kids, five moves, job changes and challenges, family drama, chili cookoffs, graduations...too many events to list!

Has it always been fun? No. Have we fought? Yes. Did I ever wonder if maybe we wouldn't make it? Of course. Did I want to give up? Yes.

However, through all the good times and bad times, I can honestly say that I am glad we made it! 28 years is a long time. I have been married more that half my life! OMG! How scary does that sound?? Juan makes me laugh with his silly little dances, songs, and words that he makes up. He loves me and he loves the kids. He is a caring man, he is a good provider, he is a man of faith and he is faithful. He supports me in all that I undertake and encourages me to be strong and to stand tall. I am lucky he loves me! I am thankful for Juan!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Try Again!

So much for my first three wishes. We still have H1N1, I haven't magically lost 20 pounds, and it RAINED all day!!!

OK. Let's try again...
Magic Genie! Where are you???

Wish #1 for today is more Glee and Nip/Tuck on Wednesday nights!

Wish #2 would be for my house remodeling issues to be all done!

And, the final Wish #3 for not feel guilty for eating the frozen pizza that I fixed for dinner!

May all your wishes come true.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Three Wishes

Ever wish you had a genie in a lamp? A little genie to grant you three wishes? Yeah, we have all had that fantasy.

I don't have a magic lamp, but for the next few days I am going to pick three things each day and make a wish. We'll see what happens.

1. No more H1N1 flu! We have had enough! Too many sick kids and adults with no real end in site. Genie! Where are you??

2. A magic pill that would melt away 20 pounds and motivate me to exercise and eat right! Yoo! Hoo! Genie!

3. No rain for the next 10 days! We NEED recess for a while! Genie is definitely not an elementary teacher!

Now, I am off to search for a little genie in a bottle. He has got to be here somewhere!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Frog Alley!

College football has begun and so has Frog Alley!

There is something electric about college football. I never experienced that while attending college, so I get to relive my youth at the TCU home games. Some friends and I do face painting during the two hours before the home games. Frog Alley is so much fun--or so I hear! We have a magician, face painting, bounce houses, bands, food, balloon art...lots of fun things to do. Not that I have ever actually seen any of that! For two hours I sit and paint faces--one right after the other! No breaks, no getting up...just constant painting! And, it is so much fun!

The coolest thing is the most of the kids come back year after year. This is my 3rd year to do this and I am beginning to see the same kids and families coming back. They are so cute! All dressed in their TCU attire, cheerleader uniforms, spirit abounds!

I will get Juan to take pictures so I can post them--maybe--if I don't get too frustrated putting the pics online! ha!

Oh, by the way, no, I did not attend TCU. But, when it comes to football season I really love my Frogs!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A New School Year Has Begun!

Well, bet you thought I had quit! No, just being lazy. Actually, I kept trying to post my vacation pictures and got frustrated so I decided to take a break.

The best time of the year is here--the beginning of a new school year! As a child I loved going to school. I did not like summer vacation. I missed my friends and the routine of being in class. As I got older I loved being a college student. At one time I thought being a professional student would be the best career ever!

As a teacher I looked forward to buying things for my classroom, planned out the furniture arrangement, and relished in the smell of the ditto machine (yes, I am old school!). I never slept the night before school started.

Now, as a principal, I have the same feelings. I spend my summer thinking of my back to school theme, working on pre-service agendas, finding door prizes and goodies for the staff and thinking of ways to make each year better. I still do not sleep the night before school starts.

Being an educator is one of the greatest gifts of God. Being able to touch the lives of children in a positive manner, mentoring and nurturing those in need, what more could you ask for? There are two kinds of teachers--those of the head (knowledge) and those of the heart (commitment). You can have all the content knowledge in the world, but unless you have the heart and soul to reach kids, unless you have passion for what you do, and a passion for student success, then you will struggle to be a real teacher.

There is truly no greater experience in the world than to have a first grader run up to you the first day of school, throw their arms around you and say, "Mrs. Nunez, I missed you!" What a way to start the new school year!!!

Here's to all my teacher friends, to everyone in education who makes a difference for kids--have a great year!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


We are in Navarre Beach, Florida on vacation! There are 10 of us who came to spend the week with Crazy Ray, who by the way, retired and lives on the beach! Tough life, huh?
Anyway, I am taking lots of pictures and will post when I get back....if I ever come back! OMG! This is the life!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Elm Street

Joy will turn 21 soon and we have been discussing her present for several months now. She talked about jumping from an airplane, we talked about taking a trip...then she finally decided...she wanted another tattoo. Not any tattoo, she wanted her entire upper arm area done. She had been looking as designs and searching for artists for quite a while, so when she told me what it was I knew she had thought it all out. She called the artist at Elm Street Tattoo, made the appointment and we made our date to tat!
We arrived around noon and Dean, the artist, was busy drawing her owl design. He took his time and sketched out a great design. An hour later he started and this was the beginning of a great tat.
He worked on her arm for over three hours, taking two breaks along the way. In fact, he "finished" twice before he really stopped. After about 2 hours, he stopped, wiped her down so she could bleed out and decided he was not done! He did this twice before he was satisfied. This man take his work seriously! Here he is working hard! Joy was staring at all the stuff in the room!
Voila! The finished product! I can't wait for the healing to be over and the colors to really show up. Note the lime green in the idea!!! In fact, I think Dean added the green just to shut me up! Happy Birthday, Joy!! I love you!

East Texas Wedding

One of the most beautiful places in Texas can be found between Hwy. 37 and Hwy. 82...Clarksville, Texas! This was my mother's hometown and one of my favorite places to be! My cousins live there and we love to go visit whenever we can. Last weekend was my cousin Kevin's wedding. So off we went to Clarksville...well, actually we started our in Paris, wedding in Powderly then lunch with Grams on Sunday in C'ville.

This is Kevin and Erin Moore. Kevin is one of the nicest men you will ever met, and Erin is beautiful! They are very much in love. Erin's uncle let them have the wedding on his land, in his barn. It is so relaxing and beautiful! Look at this:
I love these ladies...Grams, Kari and Debbie!
It was nice to get away and spend time in the country with family! We missed Larry. He is Debbie's husband and Kevin's dad. Right now he is working in Kuwait and was not able to come home for the wedding. I am sure when he returns in the fall we will travel back to East Texas and welcome him home! Love you, guys!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I made a decision in January to eat healthier and get hopefully lose weight. Nothing new. Almost everyone makes these "resolutions" in January. I made my decision based on my health and age. See, every January 1st a new year begins and every January 2nd I have a birthday. Great combination, huh? Anyway 54 years old and weighing over 200 lbs. is not a good combination. Especially when your hips lock up, you can't walk straight is you sit for more that 20 minutes at a time, you can't climb a flight of stairs and you can't sleep at night because of your own snoring. Not a pretty picture, is it??

Well, I cut out fried foods, sugar, soda, candy...everything that we all know is bad for us. I quit eating take out food and started taking my lunch to school. Turkey on whole wheat with spicy mustard became my main meal. We ate healthy at night, too. Juan and Joy went along with all my changes and adapted well. Altering some meals was not easy, but we all got through it.

I did a herbal cleanse (thanks, Lori!) and started sipping on Spark energy drink. No coffee, no red meat, no dairy for 10 days!!! I thought I would die! But, 10 lbs. later I was elated!!! I was truly motivated now!!

Next Juan bought us an eliptical machine and it is awesome! I had to start out slow and work my way up...first 15 minutes, then 30, now I can do 45 - an hour! Still not at a fast speed and not using the ramp, but I'll get there!

Long story short...4 months later I have lost 25 lbs. My goal is 20 more by the end of June (not that I think I can do that!) before we go to Florida for vacation. I would be happy with 10 more pounds as long as I can firm up some.

You probably did not want to read about my diet plan. But, if you are like me you might need some motivation to get healthier. Maybe my story will help you. At any rate I feel better, I can move around easier, and my sleepy time is great!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Break Getaway

Juan and I were able to get away to the Hill Country over Spring Break and it was fantastic! We had not time table to follow except to be in Austin by 5 p.m. on Thursday for tattoo appointments. We left on Thursday morning and our little adventure began!

We arrived in Austin around 3:30 p.m. only to be right in the middle of the South by Southwest music event. OMG! The traffic was horrible. It didn't help that I thought I had booked a room in south Austin when it actually was in north Austin. What's the problem with that, you ask?? Well, we drove all the way through Austin to our hotel only to find out we had to go back north 7 miles. Not a big deal, huh? Except...we had to drive right through the SxSW traffic--again!!! Anyway, it all turned out OK and we just used Lamar Blvd. to get from one end of Austin to the other. Lamar was far enough west from the event that there was very little congestion.

We arrived at Rock of Ages tattoo shop a little early and waited for Mark to finish three friends getting waffles on their shoulders...weird! Anyway, Mark finally go started on Juan around 5:30. He was getting more work added to his arm. My little tattoo would have to wait. Well, at 6:45 Mark was done with Juan, but he plans at 7 p.m. and Juan had not told him I was getting a tattoo. I was pissed!!! No, I was more than pissed! I was a bitch! I was mean, mad, hurt and hateful! So, we left and went to eat at Matt Martinez El Rancho (just across the street). My food was awful, I had no new tattoo and I was still mad. Back at the hotel, I pouted and Juan tried everything to make it up to me. He even left the hotel at 11 p.m. in search of Guiness for me! He came back with a six pack of Guiness and a bottle of water. I was somewhat appeased...

I decided that I was over the tattoo...I would just wait until I retired and get that half sleeve that I really want anyway!

Friday morning was a new beginning. We ate at Taco Xpress and it was yummy!!! Then we hit the road for Fredricksburg. There is nothing more beautiful than the Hill Country in the Spring! It was so nice to be in the country with no time constraints and no deadlines! We arrived at our destination, The Fredricksburg Brewery, by mid afternoon. We had booked a room upstairs. It was so cool! We slept above the brewery and they gave us free beer for staying there! What a deal!

We checked in, walked up and down the Main Street, drank, ate and shopped. It was great! Then it was time to meet some friends who were also in Friedricksburg. They RV and were at the KOA just outside the city. We drove out there and visited with them for a while before returning to the Brewery for dinner. After we ate, we walked the street again. We heard music from various venues, at ice cream at the parlor and just enjoyed the beautiful evening.

We got up Saturday morning and ate at the little bakery behind the Brewery. It was quaint and peaceful, and we just sat outside and enjoyed the food and atmosphere. We checked out and headed home. But, first, a stop at the San Marcos outlet malls! Yeah for shopping!

The drive from Fredricksburg to San Marcos was absolutely breathtaking! The scenery, the countryside, the homes, the beauty of Texas!

Shopping! Shopping! Shopping! We walked all around the outlet and took our time. Since it was Spring Break, and Saturday, it was busy! Several of the stores were so packed that I did not even attempt them. The Coach store had everything at 50% off and I really wanted to spend some quality time there, but so many people!!! I bet there were 75 people waiting in line just to check out! I walked in the store, looked around and walked out!!!

We got back on the road and headed home. It was nice to have time away, get back home and have time to recover before getting back to the grind on Monday. We drove over 700 miles and made so many memories. I highly recommend taking a long weekend to unwind. No computer, no timelines, no requirements, no agendas! When I get stressed I close my eyes and remember those three fabulous days and all is settled again.

I love Texas and all that it entails! There is so much to see, do and remember! And, I love my husband for taking time off to be with me and take me on this trip!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Speed Racer

WOW! I have been away a long time and lots has happened! I will begin with Juan as a race car driver.

Juan loves to drive fast! He owns three radar detectors and uses them faithfully. He drives fast in any vehicle and he has no fear. I usually ride looking out the side window because I don't want to see what is coming at me.

For our anniversary this year I bought him a trip to the Texas Motor Speedway to drive 8 laps in a real Nascar. He had to wait 3 months, but finally, on March 14th he put on his driving suit and took the wheel. Two of my friends bought their husbands the same gift for Christmas, so all three of the guys were there to support each other and drive fast!!!

It was a cold, misty day but the smile on Juan's face made it a great day. He thoroughly enjoyed his day as a race driver and of course, want to do it again! Those 8 laps went by quickly but the memories will last a long time.

Happy Anniversary, Juan!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

My kids are the greatest!

Ihave two of the best kids in the world! They are respectful and loving, and I am blessed by them.

David is doing well living on his own. He is working and taking care of his business. He came over on Sunday for chili and brought Deebo home to visit "Grandma"! I was very happy!

Joy is subbing for GP and doing well. I love her smile and loving personality. She is a mature young lady and I am proud of her.

Both of my kids have friends who would do anything for them. That says a lot about a person--friends who will stick by you through thick and thin. The old saying, "to have friends you must first be a friend" is very true. Joy and David are loyal to a fault, but in return they have loyal friends. This makes me happy.

Parents often worry whether or not they are doing a good job of raising their kids. Truthfully we never really know...we hope, we pray and we do the best we can. I have, by no means, made all the right choices, or always set the right examples. In spite of all that, my kids are turning out just fine!

I love David and Joy with all my heart! They make me complete!

Friday, February 27, 2009

New day!


It is time for a new day! We all need to begin anew!

I am trying so hard to be a forgiving person. I love my daughter and I am still in the forgivness phase (not sure it will come..)

I am adjusting to changes at home...David moved away and our family changed! I miss him so much...and Deebo!!!

Joy is now subbing...CALL HER!!

I am very happy...without the exception of the upcoming TAKS NOT go there!!!

I love my life...WISH YOU WERE ME????

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Be careful what you say

We all have been upset, angry and ready to vent. Most of us have had this experience numerous times in our lives. As we mature we realize that just because we want to rant and vent, we have to be able to stop and think rationally about how hurtful our words might me. We all have to be careful about what we say.

The last couple of days have been rough. My daughter has been hurt by someone she loved and trusted. She never dreamed she would be spoken about in such a hateful way or that the person responsible would hurt her. As adults we must always take the high road and be mature enough to not get involved. I, too, have a hurt heart. Knowing that Joy is hurt makes me hurt. Knowing that the person I thought was my friend could talk so mean about my daughter makes me hurt.

Joy is a strong woman. She has dreams and hopes. She is someone to reckon with. Joy will be fine. She will regroup, and she will move forward. I cannot wait to see what she becomes. I love her with all my heart!

Monday, February 2, 2009

In the beginning...

I started this blog just to see if I could technically pull it off. Then I got hooked reading and writing blogs.

I really don't have any great things to say, or pictures to post (I am probably the one person in the world who does not own a digital camera) so I really don't know why I keep this up. I guess I just like to "hear myself talk" as my moma would say.

I have a rather boring life, with the exception of an occasional outing or get together. Nothing you all would be interested in. I really don't have much to say of any importance. I could talk about my are tired of that! I could talk about my job for already know about that or could care less. I could talk about my friends...but I'm not that kind of person. So, what is there left to discuss? Politics??!! Hell, no. I will not go there!

Let's talk current events--Micheal Phelps screwed up! Big time!!! It never ceases to amaze me that "stars" think they are beyond the law!! Then there is the topic of Tony Romo cheating on Jessica and her weight gain--she's a size 8 for heaven's sake!!! Give the girl a break. Now, if Tony really cheating on her then I have to admit I am very disappointed. Once again..."stars" thinking they can get away with anything. And, I am tired of Brad and Angelina!!! Stop already. Who really cares??? And Jennifer and John...enough! OK. You caught trash mags again! Guilty!

Guess I better go and do some work. Lots of data to sort through and paperwork to finish...and blogs to read...ha!

Have a great week!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Family moments

This weekend has been full of family.

It began with school "family" celebrating my birthday!!! Thanks to all of you for a great time. From there it was time with my cousin Keith and some of our friend "family". It is always nice to spend the evening with those who love you no matter what!

Saturday was moving day for David. Juan helped him get all of his stuff into his new house. He is happy and that makes me happy. As long as he takes care of Deebo everything will be fine. We will see him when he comes home to pick up more stuff or whenever he works. I have shopping to do to make sure he has all the things he needs.

Saturday night was great! Juan and I had dinner with my Clarksville cousins, Larry and Debbie and Kevin and Erin. Larry is leaving in a few weeks to spend 6 months in Kuwait. He is a mechanic and will be working on military transport. I really miss not seeing them as often as we used to. Larry and Debbie are good people. They are truly humble and I love them with all my heart.

Sunday is home and family and cooking. I am content and happy and ready to go back to work! Hope you have a great week!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I am a Blog Stalker

I admit it...I read random blogs.

I read blogs of people that know people that know people that I know. I read blogs of people I have never met. I read blogs--lots of blogs. I am a blog stalker. If you are reading this and you have a blog I probably read yours!

I found one by The Pioneer Woman. I LOVE this blog. I read what she says and live vicariously through her. She lives on a cattle ranch in Oklahoma (OK, I would never live in Oklahoma), is married to a real cowboy and has four kids (never 4 kids!). She cooks, blogs, homeschools, and is a wonderful photographer. OMG! I love her site. I wish I was half as talented as she is!

I rarely leave comments on blogs, however. Not because I am not touched by what I read, but because you don't know me and you would realize you were being stalked! HA!

Nothing of substance here. Just a cleansing and confession of my blog sins. Happy Wednesday!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Empty Nest

old picture...but I love this one!!!

David is 23 and Joy is 20. They both currently live at home with mom and dad.

Last Thursday Joy announced to me that she does not like Ogle's and does not want to go back. She isn't sure what she wants to do except work full time. OK. I think it is time for her to move out and work and decide what she really wants to do with her life. She loves the Austin/San Marcos area (don't we all??) and has friends living there. Maybe she needs to venture out again and try to make it work this time.

David is actually moving out this Friday. He and two of his old HS friends have found a house in the area and they are making the move. He, too, is working on what he wants to do. I think moving out and living on his own will help him make some decisions and things will begin to come together for him.

I love my two kids with all my heart. They are my life, my breath, my heart and soul. But, I have finally come to the conclusion that they are free spirits and have no idea what it takes to support yourself and be independent. I have always been there for them, and always will be, but they need to be on their own and out of my nest. Maybe then I can let go. See...even typing those words makes me cry...

Moms and dads always want the best for their kids. We want life to be easier and better for them than it was for us. Believe me when I say that parents cannot do that for their kids. That is something that the kids have to want as well. And, something they have to work for. We, as parents, cannot make that happen--no matter how hard we try.

I am very sad at the thought of my kids not living with me, but I have to let go and let them grow. Here come the tears again...

Thursday, January 15, 2009


WOW! I haven't been here in a long time!

Computer had a virus--thought my life was over! ha!

Let me see...what has been going on? Enjoying my new TV and U-verse!! LOVE IT! Been on a new "eat healthier" program and losing weight slowly. Joy's shoulder is still hurt and she is out of school and work. Hopefully she can get back on track soon. David is scheduled to move out at the end of the month. He is renting a house with two friends and he is very happy. We will miss him and Deebo very much. I am glad they will still be close by.

School is still wonderful and I still love my job! My kids are the best and my teachers are wonderful! I am blessed.

I am glad that Nip/Tuck is back on! LOVE THAT SHOW! American Idol is back, too! Yeah. January is a good TV month. Football begins to go away...enough already. Super Bowl? Who really cares if the Cowboys aren't playing???

Presidential Inauguration on Tuesday. Everyone keeps talking about this being a piece of history. EVERY presidential inauguration is historical. Keep things in perspective.

Really random blog. It is sad, but this is exactly how my brain is working tonight. I was not feeling up to trying to organize my thoughts and make it all make sense. Sorry!

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Day

I have been trying to figure out how to post pictures, so here goes nothing...

Our extended family got together Christmas Day and here is the proof:

Me talking to telling what this was about!

This is my beautiful goddaughter, Emily!
She is the sweetest, most talented little girl and I love her!

My darling husband, Juan, probably making some sarcastic remark about having his picture taken!

Crazy Ray giving his "wife" Joy a big hug! He knows momma would kick his butt if he tried anything else!

Two great girlfriends, Gail and Letanja! We were acting silly for the camera...end of the day...what more can I say???

David and Joy in the kitchen where all the action took place all day!

Some of the group...I have no idea what Letanja is doing!!!
Every Christmas we get together with our friend for our "Orphan Christmas". Since none of us have large families around we all have lunch and spend the day visiting, watching movies, playing games, etc. We are all very close and have hung out together for almost 20 years. Most of us were on the Aardvark Chili Team so we have lots of memories!

This Christmas we were at Leslie and Tom's house in Arlington. We all pitched in for the food and it was delicious!

Ray was in town from Florida and we were all so glad to see him! We call him Crazy Ray because he is a little wild and crazy. He moved to Florida a few years ago to retire and we miss him. In fact, many of us are planning a a vacation to his beach condo for a 4th of July celebration.

It was nice to have David and Joy with us for the day. They have been around this group since they were babies so nothing surprises them. All of our friends feel like surrogate parents to them so it is usually fun to sit back and watch!
It was a fun filled day with family and friends!