Thursday, October 30, 2008

2 things...

you never discuss in polite company are religion and politics...


I usually do not speak out on these two topics. My religious beliefs are my own as are yours. You have your political beliefs and I have mine. God is God no matter how you look at it...we are the ones who put boundaries on that ideology.
Politics is a horse of a different color. My color has always been a variable. I vote based on ideals and goals, not a particular party. My parents were split--one was devout Republican and one was a die hard Democrat. I grew up making up my own mind because my parents gave me that choice.
This year, for the first time, I have a voting child. We do not agree on who to vote for. We do not discuss it. We have our beliefs and we respect that we have the right to not agree--not disagree, but simply not agree. I had a moral decison to make the other day. I could remind her of the circumstances and time restraints of voting (knowing we would "cancel out each other's vote") or just let the time pass and hope she forgot. My choice...I told her. I called and told her to vote. I told her where to go, when to go and how to get it done so she would be able to count.
I know she will vote against my vote. I know that she voted. I am proud of her for that. I wish she shared my views, but, the important thing is that she has a view and she voted!!! OMG!! She voted! She voiced her opinion. I don't agree with her...that happened with is all good!
I believe that John McCain is the better choice. I believe that John McCain has weaknesses...all politicians do. I worry about Sarah Palin being President (God forbid), but I have to look at the alternatives...I cannot, in good consciousness, vote for Obama. He scares me. He has not represented himself as a Christian, I worry about his religious and political beliefs and background and his affiliations. I usually do not quote scripture or use the Bible to support my beliefs...but, I can't help but feel that biblical foretelling is warning me about Obama. I pray that I am wrong. But, what if I am right?
This blog may offend some...I am sorry you are offended. I am not sorry for my beliefs or my blog.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Frog Alley

Two years ago I started a new weekend activity. I was asked to face paint at the TCU home games in the area known as Frog Alley. Well...I had never really face painted before, but my friends did a little tutoring, I practiced for a while and decided to give it a try. It was so much fun!

So, Saturday afternoons during TCU football season, I gather my bag of paints and head to Ft. Worth. The kids are so cute and they don't realize that I have very little talent. All they know is that they have some paint on their faces and they are happy! All ages come and sit on the stool. The boys want footballs, girls want butterflies, they all want TCU painted in the design. Parents and grandparents stand in line with the kids and help keep them still and calm. I have done three week old babies and grandmothers--all Horned Frog fans!

This Saturday is homecoming and the weather is expected to be great, so I predict our troupe will be very busy. Looks like an afternoon of sitting in one place for two hours and making kids smile. I love it!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Ahh! October

This is my favorite time of year! I love the weather, the change of the season, the energy in the air. Autumn has always been the best as far I am concerned. School starts, high school football, college football, NFL (all football in general!), pumpkins, sweaters, the State Fair, cool evenings...all my favorite things!

October always seems to be one of the busiest months at school. End of the first six weeks of school, assessments, parent conferences, trainings, family events all take so much time. And yet, I find this is my best time to reflect on how my life is going. The fiscal year is ending and my career year is beginning. Lots going on at the same time. Lots of things to think about. Was this a good year for me personally? Did I accomplish all the things I promised myself in January I was going to do? Only a few more weeks to get them done! How will this school year pan out? Will I be able to reach my goals and will the kids and the teachers feel successful? How do I blend my two lives together and keep them separate at the same time?

October is a month of stress and rejuvenation all rolled into one. A beginning and an end all at the same time. Hard to explain it...but I love it!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

State Fair of Texas!

It's that time of year again--The State Fair!!! I love everything about the fair. I love getting up early and making sure we are there by 10 a.m. on a Saturday (even thought I love to sleep late on the weekends)! I love the little "We're Going to the Fair" song that Juan made up over 25 years ago and still sings as we get dressed to leave. I love the drive to Fair Park and the anticipation of a good parking space. I love walking in the gates and seeing the schedule for the day. I love walking straight to the Fletcher's Corny Dog stand next to Big Texas and ordering a corny dog before 10:30 a.m.

Juan and I have gone to the Fair every year since 1983, missing only once in 25 years. We have taken the kids each year--beginning when David was 3 months old. We do this as a family each year. We spend all day going first to the Car Show, Arts and Crafts, Texas Hall, Livestock Arenas, Women's Place...every single building. We eat corny dogs, candy apples, and anything that looks good in the food building. We look for the cheapest beer at the fair and delight in walking that little extra to save a few coupons.

We stay all day. We laugh, we joke, we eat, we drink, we LOVE the fair!!! At the end of the day, we leave and go eat again at Gonzales Mexican Restaurant located on Jefferson Blvd. in Oak Cliff. It is tradition that we eat there even though we might be too tired or full. Some traditions must be carried on! Are you kidding me? Give up a chance to eat real homemade, thick, flour tortillas? Not hardly! We all look forward to that!

Yes, the State Fair of Texas is here once again. Another opportunity for the family to spend a great day together. Can't wait until Saturday to walk through the gate and carry on the Nunez family fair tradition!! See ya'll there!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


OK. So, I've been found out. Yes, I blog, but few people really know ,and by the time I get this done there won't be six people left in my short list of bloggers to do this, but here goes... 6 random facts about me...

1. In the 3rd grade, while attending Bowie Elementary, my teacher left the room right after lunch for her "break". This was before conference periods. She was gone for 45 minutes. I had to go to the restroom REALLY badly. As soon as she walked back into the room, I stood up to ask permission to go to the restroom and I immediately wet myself...all over me, the black tile floor... She sent me home--I lived right across the street--and I changed my clothes and came right back to school. No one EVER mentioned that to me. No child in my class, my teacher, ANYONE. So, when I have a little one have an accident at school I try to remember that and keep them from feeling so embarrassed.

2. Much like LeighAnn, I cannot sit still and watch TV. I have to be working on Suduko puzzles, reading my weekly trash magazines or working on the computer. My family takes great pleasure in teasing me about all of this. I cannot even remember the names of movies we have "watched" because I rarely sit down long enough.

3. Trash magazines. I LOVE my weekly trash. Us Weekly, STAR... all of them. Every Friday...every magazine. I read them all and then save them all week to reread, just in case I missed any gossip. In addition, I have Perez Hilton bookmarked on my computer. I am really getting too old to keep up with all the new stars, but I try!

4. I hate my hair. It is so thin that without my extensions you can see my ears poking out. Without my magic hair dust you can see my scalp in the back of my head. I spend more time trying to make my hair look full and normal than I should. My hairdresser is a goddess to me!

5. I have a wonderful husband who allows me to do whatever I need to do or want to do to make me successful and happy. He has always supported me professionally and guided me personally. People rarely see him because he is in the background being my personal cheerleader.

6. I cook chili. Not the "brown some hamburger meat and add a packet of spice" chili. I cook real chili. Competition chili. The type of chili that wins at chili cook offs. It takes a special cut of meat, special spices and about 4 hours to cook. It is spicy, the gravy is thick and the meat is tender. Yes, I have won some competitions back in the day. I placed 5th in the Texas Women's Open in
1994 (out of 150+ cooks) and made the Finals table at Traders Village in 1996 (that would be somewhere between 11 and 20th place out of 350+ cooks). Hot chili and cold beer...nothing better!

Now, who to tag? I think they have all been "taken". And, since no one really knows I blog who will do this?? Anyone reading this who is willing to share???

Here's what you do:
1. post the rules
2. list 6 random facts about yourself
3. tag 6 others
4. pass it on for fun

Thursday, October 2, 2008


On Saturday we are going to have the dedication for our new building. I have to write my "remarks" to say. I have been putting this off because I have no idea where to begin or what I am supposed to say. I thought I could practice here...

"Walt Disney had it wrong. Disneyland is not the happiest place in the world--our school is!

Back in December when I applied to be the principal of the 14th Street school I was very excited about the possibility of new adventures, new traditions. By the time I was named the principal, the school had been named for Hobbs Williams. I was even more excited and passionate about establishing new traditions and making a difference in the lives of the students that would attend our new school. Mr. Williams has always been a champion for the cause of student achievement. He is a passionate educator who always put students first.
I have been blessed with this once in a lifetime opportunity. The teachers were hand picked. The building is state-of-the-art. The parents are involved in the education of the children. The students are eager to learn. I have a Superintendent and School Board who are supportive of us and our efforts to ensure student achievement."

What do you think? If you know me then you know I can "hold court" and talk to a crowd for hours. Saturday, however, I will be very humbled by the educators that will be sitting on the stage and in the audience. I will be reminded that passion for what you do makes you what you are. I am an educator. I am proud that I have had the privilege to work in this district, doing what I love for the past 30 years.