Monday, November 30, 2009

And then...

There are days that I feel I get nothing done, nothing accomplished, nothing satisfied.

Today is one of those days. I worked all day, but feel like I got nothing completed. It seems like no matter how much I do, or how long I work on things, I never get caught up. There is always something that MUST get done right now, four other things have to be finished today, and then...still more to do when all that is done.

Some days I feel good about what I do. I pull out of the parking lot and smile and think, "Today was a good day!" Other days, I get in the car and start to cry because I feel totally useless. Today was the latter.

And then...I get home and am greeted by my loving husband and two precious dogs. They see things differently and have no idea what my day has been up 'til now. All they know is that I am home and it is time to have dinner and relax. And then...I take a deep breath and move forward.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bumps in the Road

Just when you think everything is going along just fine...a bump in the road pops up.

Being a parent is the hardest job in the world. There is no way anyone can explain or prepare you for all the happiness and heartbreak that will occur when you have kids. There is no greater joy in life than hearing your child say, "I love you, Mommy" or the belly laugh that happens spontaneously. There is not deeper pain than hearing, "I hate you" or having your child purposely ignore your requests.

I have been a mother for 24 years. These have been blessed years! I have laughed and cried both with my children and for my children. I have two of the most wonderful kids in the world. However, right now I feel completely helpless and sad.

One child is moving forward, maturing and working to make a life change. One child is defiant, rebellious and purposefully hurtful. One makes me smile and one makes me cry. What's a mother to do?

I know that all young adults have a lot to deal with. When you are in your 20's you have so much on your mind. There's the question of a job, where to live, how to deal with no longer being a teenager with no responsibilities--learning how to deal with all the adult is a constant "moving target". Hard to believe, but I can remember those years. Trying to figure out if I was in love, how I could pay my bills, where to live, what would I be "when I grew up". All of those life questions.

My mom supported me, stood by me and defended me. She also set me straight when I screwed up. That is the type of mother I have tried to be. Sometimes I have been too strict, sometimes too lenient. Isn't like most mothers? The balance is hard, it is a thin line to walk.

So, I sit here, holding back tears of sadness because I can't seem to figure out how to reach her, how to make my child see how much I love her, admire her and worry about her. She doesn't want to hear me, to respect me, or to even be nice, unless it works to her advantage. And, yet, she is my heart, my soul, my daughter.

People say to just give kids time to grow up. I know this--been through this with the son. Same struggles, same tears. It just never gets easier...not even the second time comes another bump in the road...

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Yeah, I know. You are thinking "tattoo"? Seriously? YES! I am thankful for tats!

Tomorrow is Friday the 13th, and in the Aardvark world that mean PARTY and friends! Every Friday the 13th we all get together and revel in life. We celebrate being together and getting older. We see folks we might have seen in years. Aardvarks all over the area seem to appear on the 13th.

A few years ago I heard about the 13th at Elm Street Tattoo. Oliver Peck holds tattoo parties and will give a "13" tattoo for $13 and a $7 good luck tip--for $20 you can have a 13 tattooed on your body!! What a deal! So, 3 years ago I took a day off and Joy and I went to get our tats! It was great. That night we attended the usual party for the masses!

Well, tomorrow we do it again! I think the whole family will be there. Cool, huh? The family that tats together plays together! And, yes, there will be a 13th party that evening with BBQ, friends and brew! Another great day in the life of an Aardvark!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today we celebrate the men and women who chose to serve and defend our country so that we could have the freedoms we enjoy. Today is Veteran's Day and we are so blessed to have these brave souls in our lives.

I am proud to say that I have always been surrounded by the military. My Uncle Dub fought in World War II in the Army. Uncle Bond served in the Navy during the Korean War. My wonderful husband, Juan, was in the Navy and helped evacuate Vietnam. Brandon, my nephew, is currently in the Navy as a recruiter. What a rich experience!

Each Veteran's Day my campus celebrate with a ceremony to honor the families of our students. Today was the BEST ever! Several of my awesome staff members (Yvonne, Rachel, Tricia and Irma) put together a fantastic show. They had the gym decorate with a variety of symbols of the military, every grade level performed and they created an outstanding slide show! After that the Veterans and their families went to the library for breakfast.

We are lucky to live in the United States and to be able to enjoy or freedom. We owe a debt of gratitude to our Vets. God Bless each of you. For you I am thankful!

Monday, November 9, 2009


One of the best things about dogs is their unconditional love. No matter what they love you!

When I come home each evening I know I will be greeted by two dogs--ZsaZsa and Bella--who will bark, jump and demand my attention. They will run up to and on me. They will jump around and bark until i sit down and take the time to pet them. They seem to forget they have been in their kennels all day and left alone. They don't care. They just love me and want my attention.

Once they settle down, they have their tummies full and they realize that I love them once again, all they want is to lay with me while I cuddle with a blanket, work on the computer or work my Suduko puzzles. They just want to be with me. If not in my lap, then on the floor beside me. Or on the sofa with Juan or laying ON his feet. Yeah, weird, but adorable!

I can't forget Deebo, my other granddog! Deebo loves his Grandma very much. Whenever he sees me he smiles (oh, yes he does!), wags his tail and goes straight to the doggie treats. He knows Grandma will always have treats for him.

So, today I am thankful for all the dogs currently in my life, as well as all the dogs in my past--Chrissy Miss, Beau, Pepe...they are all special because they have unconditional for me. And there are many days that I need that waiting for me!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

New experiences!

Been out of 'web reach' for a few days so I haven't been able to update my Thankful List. So, two days late...

The past two weekends Juan and I have been adventurous and done some things and really surprise me--new experiences! Last weekend we went to the MMA fights at QuickTrip and that was really fun! I had seen these fights on TV but being there in person was even better. All types of people were there--parents, other was very different. We liked it so much I think we might go to the one in Frisco at the end of the month.

Saturday we did the TCU game, a Halloween party then went to the Hard Rock to listen to the Texas Red Legs, an up and coming Texas rock band. They were really good and it was fun to sit and listen to the music and spend time with friends.

This! What can I say--NASCAR at the Texas Motor Speedway. What a blast! We have friends who have gone for years and always beg us to come out. We never have gone because we didn't want to mess with the traffic. Well, we gave in a agreed to go out and stay with them (they have a nice RV) and see how we liked it. OMG!! It is one big party. There are camps set up all over with bars, music and food. Everyone is so nice and you never go hungry or thirsty! We went to the race on Saturday and Kyle Busch won. I was pulling for Kasey Kahn, but his car left the track early. Kyle won the truck races on Friday and the car race on Saturday. I was really hoping he would win today so he could get the triple at TMS, but his brother Kurt won. We had so much fun and we are really looking forward to the April race now!!!

So, I am thankful for new experiences. I am glad that Juan and I still like to do this kind of stuff and can enjoy a wide range of people and events. I guess growing older has it's can do the same things the 'young uns' do but it means more now I think!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Greatest Staff in the World!

I know I have said this before, but I am truly blessed to work with the men and women at Hobbs Williams! This staff never ceases to amaze me. They really love kids, they are passionate about teaching, they are positive, hard working and dedicated!

I am so thankful to have these people in my life. They accept a challenge and turn it into a victory. I know they have to be stressed out with all the new things they are asked to do every day. I know that they are exhausted from all the demands put on them. I know they would give anything to have a little more time in the day, or less paperwork to deal with. But, no matter what happens they just move forward.

Real teachers are rare. There are people who have a teaching degree/certificate. There are people who have taken a second career to teach. But, to be a real teacher you have to be a special breed. Real teachers can read any handwriting. They tolerate runny noses and dirty hands. They understand that homework isn't always done and that parents don't always follow through with signing papers. Real teachers accept weeds for flowers and every picture colored with love. Real teachers know that they will never get paid what they are worth. They believe they make a difference every day.

These are the type of teachers i get to work with every day! Yes, I am truly blessed and thankful for each and every member of the staff--custodians, cafeteria, teacher aides, support staff, classroom teachers, counselor, office staff and assistant principal...ALL of them are real teachers and ALL of them are unique. I am thankful!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Reality TV

I know what you are thinking...she is thankful for something as trivial as reality TV!? Yes, I am!

Reality TV gives me an escape from the drama of my own life. For an hour I can pretend to be a ballroom dancer, a survivor, a old rocker looking for a lover, or running a race around the globe. Remember being told you could grow up to be anything you wanted to be? Well, with reality TV I can live that dream. Sixty minutes of mind numbing, obnoxiously ridiculous entertainment that give me cause to fade away and think about NOTHING. Nothing to solve, nothing to follow, no effort at all...a perfect way to unwind at the end of a busy day.

So, thank you, Reality TV for giving me nothing to do!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Thanks goodness for sunshine! October was so dreary and wet, and dark and yucky! I am thankful for the sun. I need my Vitamin D and I am loving the sun rays!!!

Ever notice how happier you are when the sun shine? Or how people seem friendlier? And, I think the sunshine even makes food taste better! ha!! Hopefully we will have more sunny days in the month of November so all will be brighter!

Fall is my favorite season. The air is chilly, cool evenings, sunny mornings, early evenings and football! All of this and SUN! What a great way to begin the month!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Thankful Season

Last year several of us blogged each day about what we were thankful for. Kelli reminded me of this today when I read her blog, so I decided to do this again.

November 1, 2009 and I am thankful for my husband, Juan. We will celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary in December. Those years have been eventful to say the least. Two kids, five moves, job changes and challenges, family drama, chili cookoffs, graduations...too many events to list!

Has it always been fun? No. Have we fought? Yes. Did I ever wonder if maybe we wouldn't make it? Of course. Did I want to give up? Yes.

However, through all the good times and bad times, I can honestly say that I am glad we made it! 28 years is a long time. I have been married more that half my life! OMG! How scary does that sound?? Juan makes me laugh with his silly little dances, songs, and words that he makes up. He loves me and he loves the kids. He is a caring man, he is a good provider, he is a man of faith and he is faithful. He supports me in all that I undertake and encourages me to be strong and to stand tall. I am lucky he loves me! I am thankful for Juan!