I usually do not speak out on these two topics. My religious beliefs are my own as are yours. You have your political beliefs and I have mine. God is God no matter how you look at it...we are the ones who put boundaries on that ideology.
Politics is a horse of a different color. My color has always been a variable. I vote based on ideals and goals, not a particular party. My parents were split--one was devout Republican and one was a die hard Democrat. I grew up making up my own mind because my parents gave me that choice.
This year, for the first time, I have a voting child. We do not agree on who to vote for. We do not discuss it. We have our beliefs and we respect that we have the right to not agree--not disagree, but simply not agree. I had a moral decison to make the other day. I could remind her of the circumstances and time restraints of voting (knowing we would "cancel out each other's vote") or just let the time pass and hope she forgot. My choice...I told her. I called and told her to vote. I told her where to go, when to go and how to get it done so she would be able to count.
I know she will vote against my vote. I know that she voted. I am proud of her for that. I wish she shared my views, but, the important thing is that she has a view and she voted!!! OMG!! She voted! She voiced her opinion. I don't agree with her...that happened with is all good!
I believe that John McCain is the better choice. I believe that John McCain has weaknesses...all politicians do. I worry about Sarah Palin being President (God forbid), but I have to look at the alternatives...I cannot, in good consciousness, vote for Obama. He scares me. He has not represented himself as a Christian, I worry about his religious and political beliefs and background and his affiliations. I usually do not quote scripture or use the Bible to support my beliefs...but, I can't help but feel that biblical foretelling is warning me about Obama. I pray that I am wrong. But, what if I am right?
This blog may offend some...I am sorry you are offended. I am not sorry for my beliefs or my blog.