OK. So, I've been found out. Yes, I blog, but few people really know ,and by the time I get this done there won't be six people left in my short list of bloggers to do this, but here goes... 6 random facts about me...
1. In the 3rd grade, while attending Bowie Elementary, my teacher left the room right after lunch for her "break". This was before conference periods. She was gone for 45 minutes. I had to go to the restroom REALLY badly. As soon as she walked back into the room, I stood up to ask permission to go to the restroom and I immediately wet myself...all over me, the black tile floor... She sent me home--I lived right across the street--and I changed my clothes and came right back to school. No one EVER mentioned that to me. No child in my class, my teacher, ANYONE. So, when I have a little one have an accident at school I try to remember that and keep them from feeling so embarrassed.
2. Much like LeighAnn, I cannot sit still and watch TV. I have to be working on Suduko puzzles, reading my weekly trash magazines or working on the computer. My family takes great pleasure in teasing me about all of this. I cannot even remember the names of movies we have "watched" because I rarely sit down long enough.
3. Trash magazines. I LOVE my weekly trash. Us Weekly, STAR... all of them. Every Friday...every magazine. I read them all and then save them all week to reread, just in case I missed any gossip. In addition, I have Perez Hilton bookmarked on my computer. I am really getting too old to keep up with all the new stars, but I try!
4. I hate my hair. It is so thin that without my extensions you can see my ears poking out. Without my magic hair dust you can see my scalp in the back of my head. I spend more time trying to make my hair look full and normal than I should. My hairdresser is a goddess to me!
5. I have a wonderful husband who allows me to do whatever I need to do or want to do to make me successful and happy. He has always supported me professionally and guided me personally. People rarely see him because he is in the background being my personal cheerleader.
6. I cook chili. Not the "brown some hamburger meat and add a packet of spice" chili. I cook real chili. Competition chili. The type of chili that wins at chili cook offs. It takes a special cut of meat, special spices and about 4 hours to cook. It is spicy, the gravy is thick and the meat is tender. Yes, I have won some competitions back in the day. I placed 5th in the Texas Women's Open in
1994 (out of 150+ cooks) and made the Finals table at Traders Village in 1996 (that would be somewhere between 11 and 20th place out of 350+ cooks). Hot chili and cold beer...nothing better!
Now, who to tag? I think they have all been "taken". And, since no one really knows I blog who will do this?? Anyone reading this who is willing to share???
Here's what you do:
1. post the rules
2. list 6 random facts about yourself
3. tag 6 others
4. pass it on for fun
Indian-spiced potato gratin
5 days ago
Yes, you are busted! I think it's great that you blog, you're so hip! I do think we need to try the chili though:)
I love that you are a blogger... I had no idea you were keeping up with me :)
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