It's that time of year again--The State Fair!!! I love everything about the fair. I love getting up early and making sure we are there by 10 a.m. on a Saturday (even thought I love to sleep late on the weekends)! I love the little "We're Going to the Fair" song that Juan made up over 25 years ago and still sings as we get dressed to leave. I love the drive to Fair Park and the anticipation of a good parking space. I love walking in the gates and seeing the schedule for the day. I love walking straight to the Fletcher's Corny Dog stand next to Big Texas and ordering a corny dog before 10:30 a.m.
Juan and I have gone to the Fair every year since 1983, missing only once in 25 years. We have taken the kids each year--beginning when David was 3 months old. We do this as a family each year. We spend all day going first to the Car Show, Arts and Crafts, Texas Hall, Livestock Arenas, Women's Place...every single building. We eat corny dogs, candy apples, and anything that looks good in the food building. We look for the cheapest beer at the fair and delight in walking that little extra to save a few coupons.
We stay all day. We laugh, we joke, we eat, we drink, we LOVE the fair!!! At the end of the day, we leave and go eat again at Gonzales Mexican Restaurant located on Jefferson Blvd. in Oak Cliff. It is tradition that we eat there even though we might be too tired or full. Some traditions must be carried on! Are you kidding me? Give up a chance to eat real homemade, thick, flour tortillas? Not hardly! We all look forward to that!
Yes, the State Fair of Texas is here once again. Another opportunity for the family to spend a great day together. Can't wait until Saturday to walk through the gate and carry on the Nunez family fair tradition!! See ya'll there!
Indian-spiced potato gratin
5 days ago
Maybe the Nunez family would like to adopt 3 strays to go to the fair with them. I have been begging to go to the fair for weeks, but Corey is not feeling it!
Do you go to the bird show? Because that is amazing! We went last week and there was bird there that was singing songs-very awesome=) Hope you have fun at the fair-the weather should be perfect!!=)
I want to be a Nunez!! Please :) :) :)
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