Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I am a Blog Stalker

I admit it...I read random blogs.

I read blogs of people that know people that know people that I know. I read blogs of people I have never met. I read blogs--lots of blogs. I am a blog stalker. If you are reading this and you have a blog I probably read yours!

I found one by The Pioneer Woman. I LOVE this blog. I read what she says and live vicariously through her. She lives on a cattle ranch in Oklahoma (OK, I would never live in Oklahoma), is married to a real cowboy and has four kids (never 4 kids!). She cooks, blogs, homeschools, and is a wonderful photographer. OMG! I love her site. I wish I was half as talented as she is!

I rarely leave comments on blogs, however. Not because I am not touched by what I read, but because you don't know me and you would realize you were being stalked! HA!

Nothing of substance here. Just a cleansing and confession of my blog sins. Happy Wednesday!


jordanandrachel said...

haha, I did not know that about you!! But I am interested in this 'Pioneer Woman' now....hmmm..

Anonymous said...

I just starte reading your blog. I didn't know you had a blog until I saw it on your profile. I love how honest you are even when you have a problem. I ,too, cope with wanting/needing to vent but also wanting to be mature. Ha. I've pretty much learned that we're all good people in our own ways but imperfect. No one can be perfect. ;) You rock!

I remember when I first heard from you on MySpace and thought, "Agh!!! Did she read my blogs?" Hahahahahaha. Did you? LOL.

- Chrissy (I currently don't have a blog on blogger but am thinking of moving my old blogs if I can figure out how and then start new ones)